

Project 2.65 — Analysis of Fallout and of Base Surge - M. Morgenthau

The general objectives of project 2.65 participation in REDWING

were to:

(1) obtain fallout samples on land and to perform radio-

physical and radiochemical measurements on the samples; (2) prepare
dose rate contours of the atoll area from information gathered by
this project, other projects, and Rad Safe; and (3) evaluate the role
of the base surge in transport of radioactive material.


Intermittent fallout collectors (IFC) and gross fallout collectors
(GFC) were installed on islands in the Bikini Atoll and on the YAG's
and LST in the fallout zone.


The IFC timing intervals were 5 min or

30 min, depending on location and type of shot.

The equipment was

installed prior to the shot and was activated by EG&G Blue Boxes.
of the stations also incorporated a tape fallout monitor.


A station

at the Rongerik weather station was instrumented with a distant fallout

collector and a tape fallout monitor.

No fallout samples were collected at any station.

Ground samples

picked up in the vicinity of intended ground zero showed insufficient
activity for analysis.

The planned aerial survey of the atoll was

cancelled due to the lack of activity on the islands of the atoll,

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