Several land stations at Bikini were similarly instrumented.

Approximately 95% of all project instrumentation functioned
properly and no damage to any station from blast or thermal effects
was reported other than the destruction of skiff PP resulting from

the off-target detonation.

As far as could be determined prior to

laboratory analyses, no fallout samples above normal background were
collected on any of the island, barge, or raft stations; but samples
collected from two skiff stations (MM and AA) were slightly above

No measurable activity was encountered by the LST 611, but

both the YAG 40 and the YAG 39 received light fallout.

A slight rise

above normal background was detected on the YAG 40 at about H /# 6
and a few active droplets were collected on Incremental Collector

trays between about H 4 6 and H 4 8.

Early time gamma spectra vere

taken and these results will be reported as soon as they have been
properly reduced.

A slight rise above background was also detected

on the YAG 39 at about H / 12 and one droplet was collected in an
Incremental Collector tray on that ship.






Select target paragraph3