The angle beam was instrumented similar to the I beam except for an
additionalpair of sensors to record lift as well as drag.
structural Members

Due to the bombing error on this shot, the records obtained are
rather inconclusive insofar as yielding comprehensive drag data.
In order to compute drag coefficients, dynamic pressure is necessary.
All dynamic pressure gages are uni-directional and were oriented facing
expected GZ.

The dynamic pressure records are meaningless at the present

time because of the above fact.
The only data recorded by the structural members which is valid is
drag force or rather some undefined component of this force.
Spherical Drag Gages

The beauty of this type gage is the fact that rather than being

uni-directional it is omni-directional.
factor as with the other type gages.
the spheres.

Orientation is not a critical

Actual drag force was recorded by

Although no valid dynamic pressure records were obtained,

drag coefficients may be computed using dynamic pressures computed from
known side-on pressures,
These records have not been reduced as yet, due to other shot


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Select target paragraph3