Project 1.1- Basic BlastMeasurements - J. J. Meszaros
The primary objective of Project 1.1 was to measure and record
the blast pressure at various distances from a high yleld air burst
in the megaton range.
Secondary objectives were the measuring of dynamic pressure
vs time at the same ground distances with the exception of the

station located at the intended GZ point.

Also Project 1.1 was

requested to make measurements of the diffraction of the shock
wave over the man-made islands and around the Project 3,1 structures.



The Ballistics Research Laboratories (BRL) self-recording
pressure gages were the basic instrumentation used for measuring
air blast pressures.
the detonation.

The gage is activated from the flash of

A back-up method for triggering the gage is a

thermal link that disengages when heat is applied.
The gage used to measure dynamic pressure is also a self
recording gage designed at BRL and referred to as a "q" gage,

A total of 11 contractor installed stations were instrumented
with one 3 foot "q" gage and three pressure-time gages.


project installed sixteen stations which included 14 pressure-time
gages and three 10 foot "q" gages,

A total of “7 pressure-time

gages and 14 "q" gages were installed for



Out of a total of 47 pressure-time gages 9 recorded peak




Select target paragraph3