me eree ee ee

were sampled.

A broader sampling pro-

of other program demands for air sam-

gram based upon the widely available

pling equipment resulting from delays

natural species, Messerschmidta and

in fielding the Bikini survey, no

Seaevolta, was also carried out to

attempt was made to establish an air

determine the intra-island variations

sampling program during this survey.

in the radioactivity of the vegetation.

Soil profiles were obtained

from the root zone of each tree that


Was sampled to determine the concentration of radioactivity in the rootsoil environment.

Both leaves and

in June, nearly 1000 samples including

fruit were sampled so that leaf—to-

soil, vegetation, animals, and water

Fruit concentration ratios could be

were returned to LLL for processing


and analysis.

WNonfood species were sam-

Because of funding

pled in the vicinity of food species

problems, the processing of the sam-

to provide information on species var-

ples was not begun until late Septem-—

‘dation in radionuclide uptake and to

ber; processing was completed by early

evaluate the use of concentrations in

November 1975.

nonfood species when no food products

discussed in detail in Ref.

are available for analysis to predict

time required to analyze these samples

the impact of human intake.

was considerable and was incorporated


Sample processing is


approach was developed in the Enewetak

into a priority framework involving

survey because of the paucity of food

other programs.

species on the atoll.

problems prevented analysis of all

The soil sam

In addition,


pling results and the concentration

samples, so time was required to

and correlation factors developed from

establish priorities for samples that

the plant-soil data have been published

were sent for analysis.

as a separate report.>

available and as assessment activities

This program along with the ground

As data became

began, additional samples that were of-

water program supplies the data base

particular importance for assessment

for assessing the long-term dose com-

purposes were identified.

mitment via food chains and rehabita-

additional funding became available in

tion of the atoll,

the summer of 1976,


samples were sent for analysis and

Because of limited support facilities, manpower, and time and because


Upon completion of the field survey


When limited

second priority

incorporated into our assessment.


data bank for the samples that were

analyzed was completed in October ]976.

Select target paragraph3