Saturday, September 10, 1955

“ovrada Test Site

The Chairman opened the second day of the meeting by

caliang on Mr. Corssie to review the civil effects participation in the
SAPO? series conducted in the spring of 1955.


Corsbie described

the current efforts to keep the Federal Civil Defense Administration
inforned on atomic developments pertinent to

-vheir responsibilities.

le stated that the AEC had invested $669,900 in the structural program

and that the CDA had invested $375,900.

Mr. Corsbie pointed out that


of tae $375,000 industry had contributed $300,000.

This was the first


test in which industry was permitted to furmish funds that could be
applied for structures to be erected and tested at the test site.

Mr. Corsbire said that a large effort has been made to expedite the

placing of information gleaned from the test series into the hands of
FCDA authorities and others who would need it.

He mentioned one report

prepared by L. V. Vortman, entitied, "Shelters for Civil Populations.®

This report 1s

:ot ciassified, however, the autnor had listed 37 refer-

ences to weaporis test reports covering above-ground construction, 35
are either classified Confidential or Secret-Restricted Datas of the

1k references to the below=sround structures, 13 are classified Confi~
dential or Secret-Restricted Data; and of the earth structures, all 5
are classified.

Select target paragraph3