in early life; and that if radiation is superimposed on the nominal aging

factors, a statistical shortening of life span can be expected in pro=
portion to the radiation levels to which a population has been exposed.
The thesis is based in part on a status report on the follow-up of the
survivors of the Asbomb in Japan.

A copy of Dr. Jones! report may be found in the files of the Division

of Biology and Medicine.
Sea Disposal


The Committee discussed briefly the subject of sea disposal
of atomic wastes.

They considered the question of whether

support should be given such studies as outlined by Dr. Claus, but hoped
that funds advanced for this purpose would not be taken from researche
It was brought out during the discussion that in view of the vastness
and the increasing importance of the problem, that it may be desirable
for the Commission to make a study of the problem.

Dr. Cantril inquired

whether there could not be some international program of research worked
out which would be cooperative and eventually end in some international
agreement since the ocean is an international body of water.

It was con=

cluded that a fair-sized program should be initiated in the near future-if funds can be made available.

Dr. Boss reported to the Committee on the Fish Monitoring Program,

necessitated by Operation Wigwam. Dr. Doisy suggested that the complete
report of the activities of the program be placed in the record. It reads
as followss

Select target paragraph3