
This agency will be a center for international cooperation

and would assist in the arrangements for distribution of fissionable
materials for research reactorse

Research Program

Dr. Shilling led the discussion on the Research

He said that it is his purpose to analyze the on-site Research

Program to see wnat coverage there is by way of areas of interest and
needs of the atomic energy program.

Also, that he wished to try to

intergrate the on-site program more thoroughly with the off-site program.

Furthernore, that both the on-site and off-site programs should be reviewed
most carefully in case of a cutback became necessary in order to have
sufficient fumds to allocate the new research projects.
expressed concern over the overhead problem,

Dr. Burnett

In this connection, Dr.

Shilling mentioned the paper submitted by the Director, National Science
Foundation to the Director, Bureau of the Budget, entitled, *Recommendations
for a Uniform Policy for paying the Indirect costs of Research Supported

by the Federal Government at Universities and Colleges."

The Committee

requested that a copy of the paper be sent to them for their persual.
A full discussion ensued.

The Chairman said that in view of the importance of learnine of the

current trends in the biological and medical research program and to
discuss the recommendations of the National Science Foundation concerning
costs of support by the Federal Government, that it would be well to
hold a three day meeting for the next session of the Committee and to

devote one full day to these problems.

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