The Chairman remarked that at a gatherin,.: where there were Russians present,

he had occasion to ask one of them when they had the first Pile in operation

and that the immediate reply was 1945.

Then the gentlemen from Russia volun-

teered the informatior that in 197 they had their first atomic bomb.
Dr. Failla did not know whether this was a true statement, however, he

stated that other information indicates that in 1949 they were using
radioisotopes extensively in research.
Dr. Failla continued ty saying that in his opinion "the United States made
a very good showing in Geneva as far as exhibits and papers and organi-

zation are concerned, and that the staff of the AEC really did a magnificant

It was a tremendous task in the short time that was available and I

really was proud of the showing made."
He spoke of the chanze in policy that had occurred in Russia recently
and of his discussion with a Russian scientist regarding it.

Also, he

said that the cold war now is not going to be so much in regard to military
power or at least in regard to the nuclear weapons race but more in tech~
nological advances.

Dr. Failla brought out that the Russians think that by making technological
advances and appearing to be very peace-loving they can isolate us from
the rest of the world; and therefore, they can gain their ultimate aim,
which is peace on their own terms.

International Atomic

Energy Agency

Dr. Bugher stated that the International Atomic

Energy Agency 1s now in motion as originally planned by the United Nations


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