-15 remain dangerously low:
yesterday's 800,

one at 2100; one at 1700; and one at 1500 today from

Tsuzuki reported last of these showed increased coagulation

time, and complained of not feeling well.

These three patients plus two

original patients at Tokyo receive 100-300 ce transfusions daily; lowest blood

count patient additionally given 600,000 units penicillin daily.
At this point full and free access to patients for ABCC staff seems to
us, on basis Eisentud and Morton advice, irreducible U. S. interest.


possibly derivable from these patients and available nowhere else may have
highest importance U. S. scientific security and planning.

Request Department

and AEC evaluation this point.
I would be prepared to go to Yoshida and put case for immediate

cooperation on following lines. (A) Contimed decline of white blood counts
as reported informally by Japanese physicians to Dr. Morton, indicates need
for prompt application of best available techniques and therapeutic procedures.

Future wellebeing of FM sailors is being handicapped because Japanese

physicians have not chosen to consult with Dr. Morton's staff; (C)


to which government will accept liability for this unfortunate accident will

depend on extent to which, in our judgment, test available medical techniques

have been applied; (D) Japanese government has moral responsibility to assure
patients every opportunity to regain health; (E) A friendly attitude towards
the U. S. requires our government be given every opportunity to minimize its
potential liability by utilization of American-trained medical scientists on

staff of ABCC: (F) Potential findings of importance to national interests
both countries.


is eet LA CEIVES.


Select target paragraph3