-1h may have at last brought some order to medical and scientific confusion which
has existed here since FM docked March 1h.

If he has succeeded he deserves

full marks,


March 30.

Allison to Bugher - Arrangements made by Okazaki failed to

provide facilities required for examination patients.

At Tokyo University

Hospital no official could be found able authcrize access.

At Dai Ichi

Hospital Director National Institute of Eealth was "uninstructed" and after
telephone call to Ministry Welfare reported latter uninformed regarding Foreign
Office arrangements.

This afternoon Dr. Tszuki called in Dr. Morton, urged

him not to insist on seeing patients who were highly disturbed by confinement
Metropolitan Hospital and alarmed by examinations of any doctors except those
whom they knew,

Even strange Japanese doctors were not welcomed, and this

applied to non-Caucasians on ABCC staff.

Dr. Morton replied in circumstances

he would respect Wishes doctors and ‘their patients and would return to

He and staff would come back to Tokyo whenever their services were

I sent Okazaki letter at Diet today reciting these facts and concluding
that unless Japanese authorities changed their minds and unless invitations
issued tomorrow to Dr. Morten and staff to conduct whatever examinations
their professional judgment considers necessary they would be returned to

Further to correct misinterpretations some public explanation

vould probably be unavoidable.
Informed advices regarding ee eee
(Biology and Medicine staff
uncertain where the informed ee
cane ‘com cndicate tlood counts three

PCaa re’


Select target paragraph3