
at 600 but complained of pain around head ulceration,
reports 21 patients

at Yaizu were "ckay",


Information refers acute

radiation effects only.

(B&M staff assumes this means external whole

body irradiation. )

experts have no knowledge regarding internal


emitters or absorption radioactive materials,

Eisenbud is acqueinting

Japanese scientists with unclassified fects regarding general nature
air, water, atmospheric contamination.


March 27:

dispatch identifies air special delivery confidential

package as being on way to NYOO (presumably contains fallout material

and/or urine specimens).


Dispatch March 27:


Kobayashi, Chairman of the ABIIC,
two Tokyo patients left this date.

Morten and I conferred with
olurine analyses from each of
Instruct Harley underteke analyses

immediately for total fission product ectivity and principal individual
fissicn products.

Tsuzuki leaves Japan next week for Geneva via India,

In private talk he told me he was avoiding US for fear "visa difficulties",
Embessy officiais indicate this unlikely.
visit US.

Urges Tsuzuki te invited to

Entassy officials concur in this,



Select target paragraph3