Operation Plan

CTG 7.3 No, 1-53
(5) Control and provide manpower for rough decontanination of air-—
craft ashore at BIXINI “toll,



Assist C?G 7.4 in search end rescue eperations,

(See Jnrex Z),


Provide space and command facilities for CTG 7.3

in the forward


Operate 3


Base 3 FUU-5N each at ENIWETOK and BIKINI Atolis,respectively.

BILINI F4U-5N from CVE during BIKINI shot evacuation periods, as
Control and operate F4UU-5SN aircraft, as directed.
Take such action as may be directed or authorized, in the event

a snip (including submarines), craft or aircraft, tekes offensive action,

es later defined, against ENIWETOK or BILINI Atolls or ageinst a unit of tho

Joint Task Force,

(See Annex J),


Maintain all F4OU-5N aircraft and assigned USMC helicopters,


Meintain a plot of all ships and aircraft transiting the


(13) Provide space and power for redio~—chemical leboratory and
operetions office for radiological sefety unit, TU 7 of TG 7,1, and fer

three (3) trailers, each 28 x 8' x 1l',

Assist Joint Tesk Force Weather Central

by taking Rawind data,

Conmranier Patrol. Plene Unit shall perform the following tasks:


Provide for the security of the ENIWSTOK/BIKINI Dangor Area by


Provise air escort for Special Devices Unit er Special Devices


When directed tefore each shot, patrol out to 800 miles to


Take such action as may be directed or authorized in the event

air patrol of that area aa directed,

(Seo Annex I),

Transport Unit as directed,

detect and warn any surface shipping fron the significant sector,

a ship (including eurnerines), creft or aircraft tekes offensive action, as
later defined. egainst ENIWETOE or BIKINI 4tolls or against a unit of the

(See Annex J).




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Joint Task Force,

Select target paragraph3