Operrtion Plan

CVG 7,3 No. 1-53

&» Provide personncl, as required, for perticipetien in the defense
of SNIVSTOK ana BISINI «tolls, «11 military perscnnel teased on SKIWETOL
Iglend will, to the extent practicable, be trained in ond available for
greund defense.

h. Exercise uexinum econcmy in the conduct of eli epereticns, attention
ig directed ta letter, subject:
"Conservation of Funds, Tiue and Resources",

published by CUTF SEVEN on 8 May 1853,

Tasks of subordinate units:


Cemumander Speeiel Devices Urit shall perform the fcllowinge tasks:

Receive, transport end safeguard special devices as directed,


Provide shipbeard facilities for assezbly of devices and space


act as flegship of CTG 7.3 emrcute to the forwerd area,

for CTG 7,1 adcinistration end laboratories,

(4) Previde transporvation to the forward area for avproxinately
10¢ officer and 50 treop class personnel of JTF SEVEN,


Assist Joint Tesk Perce Weether Gentrol by taking Rawind data,

Canmnender Surface Securit: Unit shall perform the following tasks:

Provide surface escerts and plene guards as directed,


Conduct anti-submarine, air end surfece search of designeted

areas, as directed.

(See Annex d),

(3) Detect, warn and escort out ef the Danger area any unauth~
orized oreft.
(4) Take such action as may be dirceted or authorized in the event
® ship (including submarines), craft er aircraft takes offensive action,
as later defined, against ET WaTOX or BIKINI Atolls or against a unit of

the Joint Task Ferce.

(See Annexes H and J),


AstE 7.3/0 6r


Stati¢nione DIEAt ENIWSTOK Atoll (See arnexes H and I) to


Provide air search, fighter director end communications services

provide surface patrol, ASW, air search end fighter director services.

for CTR, as required,



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Select target paragraph3