the a and 8 chains contain 141 and 146 amino acid residues, respectively;
thus the induced increase in isoleucine is 9.18 X 10>

per R or 4.59 X 107°

per polypeptide per R.


in the two polypeptides

Moreover, there are 20 different

amino acids and the average of these would be expected to show a similar
increased frequency of substitution for other amino acids as a result of
radiation-inducec, base substitution mutations; thus the total induced amino
acid substitution frequency would be near 9.18 X 1074 per polypeptide per R.
This suggests that for acute exposure the average frequency of induced point
mutations at the hemoglobin loci in the erythropoietic stem cells of man
may be about three orders of magnitude greater than induced mutations in







germinal celts of mice detected by the-specific locus method !?,

Select target paragraph3