
In the exposed, the isoleucine content of both chains is elevated

but more so in the 8 than in the @ chain.

The markedly higher isoleucine

content in the B chain of those exposed is consistent with the postulate
that the gamma rays induced base substitution mutations in ervthropoietic
stem cells.

The small pre-< and pre-= peaks (Figure 2) contain polypeptides

in which oxidation of methionine residues and limited deamidation of
asparagine or glutamine residues have occurred, which cause a net increase
in the negative charge on these molecules.

The pre~ and pre-f regions

are more prominent in samples that have been stored for longer periods of
time, these samples were stored for 4 to 6 months between preparing the
globin and performing the chain separations.

The isoleucine content in

the pre~2 and pre-> regions is higher than would be predicted on the
basis of random substitution of isoleucine for other acids owing to
single base changes and random
of asparagine and glutamine.

oxidation of methionine and deamidation
The results suggest that molecules with

amino acid substitutions are more susceptible to oxidation and deamidation.
Considering the high probability that much of the increased isoleucine
in the hemoglobin of the exposed Marshallese resulted from base substitution
somatic mutations, an increase in isoleucine incorporation into hemoglobin
per rad of exposure can be estimated (Figure 3),

The dose required to

double the normal substitution frequency of the controls is 100 to 105 R.
Based on the data (Table 1 and Figure 3), the isoleucine substitution
frequency increased by 0.0320 X 107 per amino acid residuc per R.


Select target paragraph3