(2) indicates the effect of plowing Engehi only while modification (3) reflects
the additional effect of plowing all the northern islands.

Deeper plowing

or turning over the soil rather than mixing it would of course result in

even greater exposure rate reductions.

For example mixing to a depth of two

feet would reduce gamma exposure levels by an additional factor of two, while
covering ‘the sources with approximately a foot of uncontaminated soil would
essentially reduce the eventual integral gamma-ray doses from 137 cs and ©0¢9

to negligible values, ive.. doses everywhere similar to those calculated for
case IV.

Removing the first 6 inches of top soil which now usually contains

over two thirds of the activity, rather than plowing, would result also in
am mo

about a factor of three reduction in‘exposure rates.

Based on the result given in Table IV, however, extensive modifications
may not be necessary.

If we compare the unmodified integrated exposures with

values calculated for typical U. S. sea level locations which are also given
in Table IV, we see that even for Cases I, and Lp the 70 year integral

dose is only slightly greater than the comparable "typical" U. S. value.

Select target paragraph3