te ee, ee

from the soil activity and depth profile measurements.

Although the soil

data indicate trace amounts of other gamma emitters, such as 1258p, 155Eu
and 2hlarn, calculations of exposure rates based on the observed soil con-


centrations indicate that these nuclides contribute at most an additional
3-5% to the exposure rate, and Mere therefore neglected.

Local anomalies,

for example due to scrap,were also ignored under the assumption that they


will be removed before resettlement and“probably contribute little more to

eventual integrated total doses.

Integral 5, 10, 30 and 70 year gamma-ray doses for each age group were
calculated for each case shown in Table 1.

These results were then combined


by folding intpresent population distribution (Table III).


Corrections were





made for radioactive decay but no corrections were made for possible weathering
and consequent deeper penetration of radionuclides into the soil.

The results

-of these calculations are given in Table IV and are labeled "unmodified",
Additional calculations were made to ascertain the effect of carrying out






various reasonable attions to reduce exposure rates on the Atoll.

Select target paragraph3