
Table VIillustrates the distribution of dose with respect to
geographical area for each of the cases.

The large fraction from working

in the interior or on other islands reflects of course the higher exposure
rates present in these areas.

All of the results discussed so far are free air gamma plus cosmic ray

The effect of shielding by structures or the body itself on

gonadal or bone doses has been ignored.

The United Nations Scientific

Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) presently recommends

a body shielding factor of 0.8 to convert from free air dose (rads) to
gonadal dose ((ren).

The free air dose will be additionally enhanced by

the presence of beta rays, primarily from Wg.90y in the soil.
ore m eter


estimate the Pgn_90y peta’ free air value will be about four times that



due to 137cga This is based on unpublished HASL gabe assuming 90sx/127Cs
soil activity ratiosEL ees consistent with the

present soil analyses.

We would thus expect free air beta dose rates to

average about 150 wrad/hr in the interior of Engehi and about 50 urad/hr

nt tellin Steam sea om

in the village area.


Although the skin dose would be about one half and

Select target paragraph3