Table 3.16 summarizes Operation Redwing initial-gamma exposure data, and Table 3.17 gives

the total yield, fission yield, and relative air density for each event. Figures 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4
are plots of the Redwing initial-gamma exposure versus distance and the TM 23-200 curves for
similar total yield. This method of computation neglects the effect of relative fission and fusion
contributions to the total yield. Correction factors discussed in Section 2.3.1 have been applied

to adjust the raw data to unshielded, betatron-calibrated exposure values. Shot Cherokee data
were adjusted to relative air density of 0.895. The initial-gamma exposure from Shots Cherokee,
Zuni, and Navajo at 3 miles was about lr. The accuracy of the initial-gamma exposure data as
corrected was within + 30 percent.
Figures 3.5 through 3.8 show the total residual-gamma exposures plotted on maps, These
exposures were corrected for station shielding and spectral response of the dosimeters (Section
2,3.2). In addition, all the values from a given shot were adjusted to the same recovery time
using recovery rates, and assuming a decay exponent of -1.2, Individual stations, such as the
one on Site Charlie, may have shown reduced amounts of exposure because they were near the
lagoon. The accuracy of the residual-gamma data presented in this section was within + 50 percent.


Select target paragraph3