Alfred D. Starbird




Support to Enewetak Cleanup and Resettlement

ERDA continues to bear the responsibility accepted by the AEC
to advise and assist the Departments of Defense and the Interior

in the continuing efforts aimed at early resettlement.
Expected duration:

at least 5 years.

Environmental Surveillance
This is a long-term effort to monitor the presence,


transfer, uptake and decay of radioactive residue of the
atmospheric test program. It takes on increasing importance

as resettlement of the two test atolls approaches.
Expected duration:

more than 10 years.

The Mid-Pacific Marine Laboratory
This laboratory, operated for ERDA by the University of
Hawaii, is situated at Enewetak. For 22 years it has studied

this coral atoll with emphasis in recent years on the distribution and cycling of radionuclides and potential implications
to man of these processes.
Expected duration:



The Marshall Islands Research Vessel (R. V. Liktanur)
This ship, an Army LCU, funded by ERDA, is under the

operational control of PASO and is used in support of all of
the above programs.
Expected duration:


I know that you and the DNA are concerned about protecting the large
capital investment which the two agencies have jointly in Johnston

Atoll. I also understand that consideration is being given to continuing the reimbursable involvement of NV and its contractor in the

Select target paragraph3