

The problem of disposal of contaminated scrap and soil requires
additional study. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff
have indicated an application for a permit for disposal of contaminated debris in the ocean must contain a comprehensive
evaluation of the various disposal alternatives and their costs.

EPA has indicated such an application may take a year or more

to process.

Results of an evaluation of disposal alternatives will be needed

in about one year to allow time for EPA processing and in order
to obtain a permit for ocean disposal for timely use during and
near the finish of cleanup field operations.
The five items above require decisions regarding responsibility and
funding within AEC and its divisions and field offices. A clear understanding of division of responsibilities between AEC and DODis also
needed. There is a critical need for answers to the quéstions that
have been raised in items 1, 2 & 5 and the research and necessary
studies must be accomplished quickly. The followup environmental
monitoring and re-evaluation of the dose predictions represent longer
term studies that will be continued indefinitely. Annual funding for
this work will have to be continued and increased when both Bikini and
Enewetak Atolls are resettled.
It should be noted that AEC will have to provide qualified representatives to give technical advice on cleanup to DNA and its contractors and
to provide current and timely guidance in the field during cleanup and
rehabilitation, Cleanup is expected to last two to three years. Rehabilitation is estimated to require about two years. The precise

mechanism for providing this support has not been developed.


ever, itis expected that AEC and selected contractor staff will be
designated to provide technical advice in the field under the cognizance
of the Division of Operational Safety. Funding will be needed for con-

tractor staff participation and for travel over a five-year period starting
with DNA field operations,

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