
The following areas will require further study:


A study is needed to answer questions regarding resettlement of
Enjebi. How fast are the radioactivitylevels in the environment

being reduced?

What are the important contributors to this re-

duction? Are there feasible remedial measures? What are the
actual radioactivity contents for locally produced foods?

Answers are needed within five years for Enewetak Atoll. The
information also will be applicable to Bikini Atoll in verifying
the long-term radiation dose predictions.
Criteria have been provided to DNA for cleanup of plutonium.
Additional guidanceis required on feasibility of reducing the
quantity of material requiring disposal, e.g., can plutonium be

removed from the contaminated soil, and what is the cost of such


This information will have an impact on the method

chosen for disposal of contaminated material and therefore on

the cost of cleanup.

Answers are needed so that DNA can effectively deal with plutonium
cleanup and disposal during the cleanup of other debris, expected
to require two to three years of field work. Otherwise, AEC may
well inherit a long-term problem.

Not all islands at Bikini Atoll were returned free of restrictions
and several important food items were not growing and could
not be sampled. New foods never before grownin the Atoll have
been planted. A long-term followup of the radiological status of the
environment and people of Bikini Atoll is being done, It is essential
to insure that doses to the people rernain within the standards. It
is necessary to determine when restrictions may be removed for
certain islands.
Current environmental monitoring data will be needed to answer
* questions and allay fears at both Bikini and Enewetak. This isa
long-term effort with results needed today.
There is a need for current data on external radiation levels on
Bikini Island to bring information up to par with Enewetak Atoll,

Also, questions are being asked about the current radiological
status of other atolls that received signiticant fallout from the
1954 Bravo test. External radiation surveys using the aerial
survey system and surveys of food items are neededfor Rongelap,
Rongerik, Ailinginae, and Utirik Atolls. There is an increasing
number of inquiries about the radiation levels in these A olla, and
little or no current radiation data.
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Select target paragraph3