
. parts of the Atoll.

However, AEC would interpose no objections to

‘such return provided TTPI can assure effective measures to restrict
access to unsafe areas and prevent removal or transport of contaminated
scrap. Interior did proceed to approve and announce the early return.
A list of conditions and restrictions for this return were prepared.
These included: (1) no visits to islands in the north, (2) scrap collection

only with permission of the TTPI Representative, (3) visits to other
- islands in the south under control of the TTPI Representative. The
i Japtan conditions and restrictions were presented to the Council. See

i Attachment I.

During a side trip to Bikini, legal advisors to the Bikini Council requested a comparison of the predicted radiation doses for the Bikini
people and the predicted dose for the Enewetak people. The radiological
survey findings and decision to rehabilitate Bikini Atoll were reviewed.
(See Attachment II, Liverman to Barry, June 27, 1974.)

The advisors

were told that the same radiation standards were used for both Enewetak
and Bikini Atolls.

Food items such as pandanus, breadfruit, banana

and papaya, will be monitored for uptake of radioactivity and contribution

to radiation dose. Locally grown pandanus and breadfruit will not be
available for four or five years. Banana and papaya will be available
much earlier.


’ The agreed upon division of responsibilities between the several
Federal agencies for Enewetak Atoll assigns the Department of Defense, with DNA as its action agency, the job of preparing the DEIS
and conducting and funding the cleanup. DOI is to be responsible for
rehabilitation, incliding commercial and subsistence agriculture
and housing and community facilities construction. The AEC con|
ducted the radiological survey and provided radiological criteria
and recommendations for cleanup. In addition, AEC is to provide
advice and close liaison with DNA and DOI on radiological aspects
of cleanup and rehabilitation field operations. AEC will participate
in certification that cleanup, according to the criteria and recommendations, has been satisfactorily completed. Further, there is a firm
requirement for followup of the environment and people to be certain
that radiation dose predictions are indeed correct. These are responsibilities AEC will have to assume. This same division of responsibilities and participation applied to Bikini Atoll cleanup and
rehabilitation. Except for certification and environmental studies,
AEC is thus in an advisory role for both atolls.
eray .

Department of En

Historias 0 fice

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