


Novemver OL.

On November 24 J. E. Reeves -vrote to “e indicating

that cur meroreicums of October 23 to den. Pields and Gciober 2h to


vr. Tyler Lcd Soen recoived oy him and that “infcra
indicctes tras the cunzcrt can be mauc available."


. December 1. On December 1 Uerril Disenbud wrots to me listing
hg cpecific requirements for support of their progran,


Decerber 9.

On December ? I wrote J. E. Neeves indicating the

specific requirements for the NYOO operations.

11. December 10. On December 10 J. £. Reeves wrote to me and briefly
aiscussed the manner of financing the cost of travel and per diem for
"32 militcry personnel requested to supnort the JCLA project and for the
officer, 16 enlisted men and flight crews requested te support the NYOO

monitoring cperation."

Dec. 16,

On December 16 J. &. Reeves wrote tc me attaching a copy

of a letter dated December it from Col. Paul Preuss to Carroll L. Tyler.


letter dealt only with the "YOU request,

indicating certain

steps were being accemplished ‘to Pullil ws reduest, including the fact
that 16 enlisted men and one officer were veing requested from AFSWP

13. December 18, On December 15 J. E. Reeves wrote to the Commanding
General, field Command, ArSWP, Sandia Base, transmitting a copy of my
memorandum to him wherein the specific details of NYC requirements were
1). About the middle of December Col. Philip Grynn of AFSWP called me
and saic that they ‘ad received botn of the requests for support ci the
NYGC and UCLA progroms. He indicated that it was the concensus of their

opinion thasu this request did not have sufficient military just=2ication

for approving and thet further justification uad been requested of
Col. Preuss. he suggested that it would be wise for Col. Hoartgering
and nimself come over to discuss the situation with us,

15. December 2h. On Secember 2h Cols. Hartgering and Gwynn conferred
with Drs. Sugher, Cleus and Dunning. At this meeting Col. Gwynn strongl;

recommended that we appeal to Aamiral Parker directly for apprevel of our
request for militery support. There was considerable discussion concerning the velidity and necessity of the air sampling program. It was the
conclusion of the Division of Biology and Medicine that this air sampling
prcegram must be continued for the next series of tests.


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