the Medical Danarcmont, RNL, the resypnsibility for the continuing
followup of the Marshallese.

In 19523 the official responsibility was

assigned to Dr. Conard.

ti is fortunute indeec the for SEC, the U.S.

thit Dr, Conucc csusuned che leadership of this program, vital to the
stlere and ersential to mankind.

is leadership and devotion to

rhe probles hac mate porsitte the accurate documentation of hitherto
unlodtcets of radiation on man.

Dr. Conard is recognized today

@a¢ an interuvactonal authority en the effects of radiation on man and

he fe varalacly veaucsted to particirace in national and international
couferenees on effects of radiation ou man.

In a letter from the late

Charlies Buahan, Director, IBER,AEC &@c Leland Haworth, Director, BM,
I quote:

“inasmuch as Dr. Conard has demonstratedability to plan,

oveanize, and accomplish a

difficult cverscas operation as evidenced by

his. performance last year and his present planning, {£ can think of no one
better calculated to xcep the endeavor on 4 sound sciantific basis as
well as one whe has a fine sense of the fitness of things, particularly
in dealing with the Marshall Island people and with the officials of

the Trust Territory".

‘This was written in 1957 when Dr. Conard was

Select target paragraph3