REPOSITORY _Lusekharven


@ COpAa kD, 2. Al

Re 4. Gonard was pora in Jaevouv. 8, "Et educated at

The University of South Carolina, received his BS in 1936 and M.D.
in 1940,

He interned at the U.S. Naval Medica: Center, Bethesda, Md.

in 1941-42.

Although I was on duty there at that time, our paths

did not cross,

During 1942-44 he served on the U.S.S. Montpelier,

one of the busiesc of our cruisers in many battles against the Japanese.

1944-46 he served in internal medicine at U.S. Navy Hospitals and was
chen acsigned as U.S. Navy Radiological Defense Officer for Operations
Crossrcads--Bikini, where our vaths did cross for che first time.


was hematologist to the operation and he visited our laboratory~-ship,
the U.S.S. Butleson APA 67 with its crew of 200 swine, 200 goats,

599 guinea pigs, 2000 rats, mice and an international assortment of

scientists and representative from government and academe-~an odd crew
indeed foe a proud naval vessel.

I believe it was at this time that

Dr. Conard first becama interested in the possibilities of a research
carecr, for he then went on te the University of California, Donner

Laboratory for training in Medical Physics where he met Drs. Bond and

The next year he was posted as administrative officer at

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