


However, most Loman exposires ar. more ilkely te be of the mature of samall

amcunts received repeatedly.

The animal work sugsests that the cunulative dése is

highly important, that leukemia may occur more frequently in individuals exposed
to chronic radiation than in the population asa whole, and the relaps mag occur after


epperens recovery from radiation damage.

From a practical point of view, any

tpartnce frou the normal fingings, whether an ircreese or a decrease or a quanitative

chance in any ef the biood cell types should be viewed with suspicion in individuals


In practice, a reduction in white blood cells,

Ttleularig srénulocytes, is the commonest evidence of d-mege in man.


et oe Oe,
#39 have been
expored to,radiation.

effects of chronte

“hat addisional

radiation will be found cannot be said,


Select target paragraph3