2eeeEffects cf Radiation (Dr. Belieny)
In physical size the gene approaches the dimensicns of the viruses.


reesnblance has prompted severai werkers to refzor to certain viruses as "naked genes",
The diameter of @ gene is almost certainly not less than two or more than 10 millimicr

or ehout 1/2,500,000¢hs of an incl..
Like the viruses, it has the interesting preperty of self-duplication,


time & chromosome divides in the process ef cell division, nct only is each gene reduplicated in a very precive manner, but also the genes retain their cheracteristic
orccr and arrangement in the chromosomes.

There are processes, honever, by wich the order ef genes in the chroriosomes
my Vary or can be eltered exnerimentsaliy in several prrecise and predictable ways.

hese oreaggsses ere:

eretsing over; invers..cnay truntlocetid: and the like.


refci by exporure ae
ta ratiation,.

We wild be nsefcl te remeccor thet tha mofority «of gine muteticns are recessi
Poise aecis tht ietli: 4pieents muct montrcibubse tc sume Ccgene ir erder thet the dependent


det wi the megjosity of gene changes
ai netara for which there is no gocd

her do net help the individuel or more usually, and in vurying

deersec, render it less able te survive then its normal reletives.

lLedical men will

have no difficulty in understandings thet any chinge in a system as delicately balanced
ac thet ina living organism is likely to be for the worse rather than the better.
Stations occar normsliy at

as yet unknown,

sone charc.cte:isticsily iow rete, and from causes

Cosmic radiation has been suspectcd, tat there is no rood evidence to

indicat e thet this is so.

Laboratory orgeni sms bred in rezions where comic radiation

is hige in quantity de net show a mitation rate significantly different from that in
control crgenisms bred in regions of low amcunts oJ

cosmic vadiation.

Select target paragraph3