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Specific rules fsoverning this phfase are included


fin all health and ssfety regulations on the handling c* radioactive
The succese of the Heslth-Physics program in connection with the

recent handling of huge amounts ef radjoactive materials can be measured
in the no radioation—injury record of the Manhatten Project and in the
svecessful results and conclusions of the various res:arch problems on
tra. projecto
There is one aspect of Health-Physics that is not pleasent te think
abcut and that concerns the preblems which would arise in case of an atomic

sorbing ir ony future ware

The healthephysicist would be the logical

person to regulate the health protecticn of the rescue teams, the
abrvcyving of cenlamin: tied areas or evvipmcat and the monitoring of the
sehebil ttebson progrem.

He would slso agsist and cocperats with the

‘iofneel services i: cheeking the radioative contamination of victins
nui the survivers.
Thue futures appliceticns ard sucees: of this new field of ecience are
-y realized.

ef the ftom lomk,.

“Te hage stsrted ea ne. era with the develepment

The dungers of radioactivity are cummulative end the

ects may bs far reachinge

Neowever, if the use of t ese radioactive

isotedes does invoive the most haaardous potentials, they still can be
usec safely in ali fields of encezvor for the benefit of the


It thersfore

becomes the moral obligation of


each individual

or cr enizstion working with radioactive materials to fulfill al the
reculations and reccommendations of the health-physicist for their own

imuediste hralth protection and for the general good of all mankind.
Le B *



Select target paragraph3