3.7.1 Cbiective
The general objectives of this project are the same as those
indicated for Troject 2.6a. However the Scopes techniques, and
direction of attention of Projects 2.64 and 2.6b differ considerably


ysis procedures include the size grading of samples colwider Project 2.5b by standard sieves down to approximately

40 microns.and by roller analysis below raed, et, Radiochemical

atewilt-<include deterpinations of "a

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and Fe?

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to fission product ratios will be deter-

Some early Analysis will be conducted using mobile facilities
at Elmer, Remainder of study will be carried out at the Chemical and
Radiological laboratories, Army Chemical Center, Md., upon receipt
of couriered Froject:2.5b samples. The scope of the analysis will
depend upon the degree Qf: success of sampling by Project 2.5b.



Operational support regiirements for this project are included
with those for Project 2.5b._*



Select target paragraph3