them f¢om_ Micronesia. There are a lot of competent Americans who could
Who do they think they are turning down the wishes pf the
‘Micronesian people? I don't think they have the right to do that. These
are our islands. They have been here only a short time. Mr. Speaker, I
really don’t think that this kind of thing should be allowed. Who in the
yeplace ‘them.

hell do they think they are to turn down the wishes of our people? Now,
bordE+ ‘Speaker, { am going to deliver my speech,
. “Nr. Speaker and honorable colleagues, on behalf of two groups of.
“our Gonstituents, I rise today to express their sincere appreciation and
- gralitude for the ready understanding and moral support that this Congres:
On their behalf I also.
. has ‘in the past unhesitatingly extended to them.
ee " beseech this Congress to not forget them in the future but to continue
such; "generous understanding and support for them.


: it »
“The people I am speaking for are our constituents from the islands
took Rongelap and Utirik in the }“Marshalis.
As you know, these Micronesians
‘aré the brothers and sisters who were exposed to and have since been
ne‘suffaring the effects of atomic radiation emanating from the 1954 hydroge:
u ‘pork test in Bikini by our Administering Authority.






“AY Speaker, while I am not in possession of conclusive evidence

‘ko prove it ‘to this House,


am now convinced that the United States

“Weobinely. ana consciously allowed

pe: Gxposed to the 1954 fallout.


the people of Rongelap anda Utirik to .

This was done to the Rongelapese and *

'uririkese so that the United States could use them as human guinea pigs'

a Zh the development of its medical capabilities to treat its citizens who
might; be exposed to radiation in the event of war with an enemy country.
Thisis a crime unmatched in peacetime.
oars :
OY Tt is now 18 years since the beastiy crime against all humanity
and thie’ people of Micronesia was committed but the sinnex who professes
‘““to be the nost decent nation on earth has conveniently ané suscessfully
yswept it under the rug of deception and secrecy. Simple justice begs ioz
"the truth.

‘ ys

“Ke are told that the radioactive faliout on these people was an
Wno does the United States intend
* "to fool with this sort of statement?
The reason, it is written, why Biki
“~"was chosen as the site of the atomic tests was that few people would be
This is an acknowledgment that the United States knew that
- these people would be exposed to the fallout.
Moreover, Rongelap ance Uti
Tare within 300 miles from Bikini and surely the United States knew that ©
these islands were within the range of the fallout.
I cannot avip put
conclude that this was a Rlanned accident.
And I also see the whole .
effaix tainted with racism,
The United Siates chose to make guinea pi¢s


accident caused by a shift of winds.


,out of our people because they are not white but some brown natives in
come renote Pacific islands.

- their

“Although these people covid never be aceguately compensitrd for

to Anerican medical science,

they have been given

“pitifully snall monetary compensation. About 80 Rongelepese have receive
$600,000 and 21] the 159 Utirikhese have been promised a reager $16,000.
Twenty--iree Japanese fishermen of the "Lucky Dragon* who were also
exposed to the fallout were given two million dollars. I ask--are
Nieconesien lives worth

less than those of other pecples?




"Zhe medical team that the Réngelapese and Utirikese have been

‘ecelving- js also highly auestionzble

Since the faliout, €octers with
the U.S. 'Atemis Duane Conkesles, vaica- ta xou2digibiu for thy Gevalezs
wla s
_7 rica





. wert,


Select target paragraph3