


‘milestone. of progress since the separated white cellscan now be frans- .fused separately, and their possible usefulness incombatting the wr

-. Whelming infection which accompanies-scute radiation injury, leulfemia, .

and certain’‘disease ‘conditions:canbe.determined.‘on’asound,expeyin ental,

basis; “Arrangements have-been made ‘for. several ‘AEC isbaratories and. >‘Sete se“ _—

investigators. to" obtain supplies of:‘White blood cells. .


Progress. has also beenmade toward the separation of viab e> blood .

platelets. Platelets are necessary to control the hemorrhagic atages
of acute radiation injury, leukemia, and other disease conditiorg,:

Interim approval has been granted to plans for the ret
radioactive wastes by off-site users in the Berkeley Area to thé Radia-

tion Laboratory, for disposal at sea. It is specified that thef wastes
must be encased in concrete in steel drums, according to definife, speci-

fications, and shipped to the Radiation Laboratory for this serwice, A>
somewhat similar plan permits the returnof wastes, properly papked, to
ORNL for burial there. It is expected that operation of. these
plans will furnish needed experience and cost data on which to fbase a
.gound over-all waste disposal policy.

Representatives from AKC emergency monitoring teams wer informed
of the amounts of penetrating radiation to which team members fay be

subjected in an emergency.

As a framework for the officially permissi-

ble emergency dose values, it was pointed out that a true emergency dose
will necessarily be a function of: the degree of the emergency,J but that.
doses of 50-100 roentgens will subject the recipient to possilfle injury,

that it would very likely shorten his life span, and especially that it

greatly depletes his "reserve" which enables him to withstand fradiation

‘Which he would receive from nature, from atomic energy operatZons, and
from X-rays in diagnosis or therapy.

On the basis of these cd@nsidera-

tions, the officially permissible emergency dose has been setfat 10

roentgens for members of AEC teams, whose members would normalyrecelve some exposure in the course of their daily work, and 25froentgens

for members of Civil Defense monitoring teams.


Discussions have been held with interested staff membars regarding the health physics organization to be set up at the new gite. It
is expected that the contractor will administer the technica] phases of
‘the organization in contrast to the Arco plan which will opejate site

and personnel monitoring through central AEC facilities.



is the training of personnel which must be carried out in ong of the
present AEC installations.

A conference was held at the University of Rochester For the
purpose of crystallizing a programof research on plutonium fand radon
inhalation, as a complement to the work on injected radioactfive substances which has been set up at the University of Utah. .
e Rochester
program will get under way as soon as quarters can be provided through
laboratory remodeling and construction, plans for which havd@ been
- 22 UNC
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Select target paragraph3