Afternoon newspaper pool representatives - Edwin A.
Lahey, Chicago Daily News, and Thomas R. Phillips, St. Louis
Post Dispatch; alternate, Tom Henry, Washington Star.
News periodicals pool representative - Leonard Slater,
Chief of the Los Angeles Bureau of Newsweek.
News periodicals photo - J. R. Eyerman, Life Magazine,
Santa Monica, California; alternate, Nathaniel R. Farbman,
Life Magazine, San Francisco, California.
Photo syndicates pool representative - Frank C. Jurkoski,
International News Photos, New York; alternate, David P. Lo Cicero,
International News Photos,

Los Angeles.

Radio networks pool representatives - Bryson Rash,

American Broadcasting Company, Washington.

Carl Lindquist, American Broadcasting Company, New
York; alternates, Don Goddard, ABC, New York, and Irving Garbo,
ABC, New York.

Television networks pool representatives ~ Dexter

Alley, National Broadcasting Company, Los Angeles; Ted Mann,
National Broadcasting Company, Los Angeles; and Wade Bingham,
Columbia Broadcasting System, Tokyo3 alternates, Eugene Barnes,
NBC, Los Angeles; John Hofen, NBC, Washington; and Richard
Kallsen, CBS, Formosa.
The newspapermen selected to represent morning and

evening newspapers on a pool basis were named by the Standing

Committee of Correspondents of the Capitol Press Gallery;

pool photographic

selections were made by the White House

Photographers Association; and those for radio and television
by the Washington Radio and Television Correspondents Association.
Executives of three weekly news periodicals
were asked to select a news periodical pool representative.
Two declined a pool arrangement but Newsweek agreed to cover

on a pool basis.
The weekly news periodicals, except LifeTime, were not interested in participating in photographic

newsmen and Federal




observers will assemble in Honolulu April 23 and 2h,


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