James L, Liverman


The nature of the expenses that AEC would wish to assume was
clarified during the discussion, Funding would be (1) for transportation of patients and accompanying persons from the outer
islands of Rongelap and Utirik to the hospitals at Majuro or
Ebeye by field ships during the course of their regular runs and (2)
for per diem for the patients and accompanying persons while on
Majuro or Ebeye.
Transportation costs would include the fare,
which is about $20 for a round trip, and meals.
The principal
expense is the per diem cost since it will be necessary to keep
the patient and accompanying traveler on an island for a period
of 30 or 60 days while waiting for the field ship to make its next
There was considerable discussion about the per diem.

Dr. Kumangi

originally proposed a figure of about $20 which he stated to be

standard in the Pacific Islands. However, that could be reduced to
the neighborhood of $10 by having the Trust Territory provide housing
in facilities that they can construct at each island at relatively

modest cost (about $15,000 per facility).

P.L. No. 5-52 provided

that housing that would be furnished by the Marshall Islands district
government so that the reduction of per diem based on availability of
such housing would be in accordance with the provisions of the law.
The number of visits from the outer islands to the hospitals was estimated
by Dr. Kumangi to be 2-3 monthly for the population covered by AEC
During the meeting an absolute maximum of $30,000 for
the annual cost of the program was projected with final per diem and
total cost figures to be discussed later,
In subsequent discussions
with John DeYoung we have reached agreement on a per diem of $9 and an
annual maximum of $20,000.
It was agreed that annual surveillance of the utilization of services
afforded under the law would be desirable and that the AEC renewal of
the agreement would be contingent on the findings of such surveillance.
AEC is to receive an accounting of expenditures prior to annual renewal.
It was finally agreed that Mr. Coleman may communicate the AEC intent
to participate to the Micronesian Congress, which reconvenes for its
annual session in January 1974, AEC representatives stated that they
would draft an agreement based upon the negotiations and report back
to the Department of the Interior.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm.



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Sidney Maske M.D.
Biomedical Programs

Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research



Select target paragraph3