looked to Captain Russell for his needs in the way of military

He could not from his level directly influence over-a:

operations policy except through Captain Russell.
4. The second function performed by Captain Russell,
Director, was that of Senior AEC Representative,

as Ts

In this capac:

he was delegated full and complete authority to act for the Com.
mission with all elements of the Task Force,

His position was

essentially similar to that of the Commission's Managers in the
field except that his authority was somewhat greater because of
the remoteness and urgency of the operation.
tion was in a sense comparably reduced,


Froman's post

as compared with that o

the Directors of the Commission's laboratories,
5. This was the situation which prompted the joint recommendation of Captain Russell and Dr.

Froman for an improved com

mand relationship in future test operations.




for the feeling that the extremely cordial personal relations b
tween General Hull, Captain Russell and Dr.

Froman successfully

bridged a gap between the great responsibility of the Scientifi
Director and his comparatively subordinate positions of authori
which might otherwise nave proved a serious hazard.

6. Half of the duai problem of SANDSTONE has already been

The GREENHOUSE military organization places Dr. Graves

in direct control of the Scientific Task Group,
lower unit of this group.

rather than in

He is also assigned functional duty

Task Force Deputy for Scientific Affairs, directly under Genera


These assignments will effectively close the gap be-

tween responsibility and authority in the relationship of the
Scientific Director with the Task Force.

There remains,


the problem of what might be called AEC for administrative)


Select target paragraph3