

Figure 14.

Differential energy spectra of the

Figure 15.

Integral exposure rate spectra for a .364
MeV SOULCE. 2. ce ec eee ee ee eee wee eee eee eee 49

Figure 16.

Integral exposure rate spectra for a .662
MeV SOULFCE,... 2... ec ewe weer we tee me eee ete eee eeeee 50

Figure 17.

Integral exposure rate spectra for a 1.25
MEV SOULCE. 2... cee ee eee ee ee eee eee eens 51

scattered energy flux for a .662 MeV source....48

Figure 18a and 18b.

Differential angular exposure rate
distributions for plane and

exponentially distributed sources.....52,53


Select target paragraph3