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Recent AAAS Symposium Volumes
#87. Formulation of Research Policies
1967. 218 pages. Editors: Lawrence W. Bass and Bruce
S. Old. Collected papers from a Gordon Research Conference held in Santa Barbara, California, in 1966. Goals,
accomplishments—and weaknesses—of past and present
science policies of nations, government agencies, individual industries, and international organizations are given
expert and candid appraisal in this work—the record of
an exciting conference.
Price: $7.75. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $6.75.
#84. Molecular Mechanisms of Temperature Adaptation
1967. 398 pages. Editor: C. Ladd Prosser. A collection
of papers on the general physiology of temperature
adaptation in cold-blooded animals, plants, and microorganisms.

Price: $12.50. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $10.50.

#83. Estuaries
1967. 776 pages. Editor: George H. Lauff. The first
comprehensive collection of scientific papers covering
the comparatively new field of estuarine research.
Price: $27.00. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $24.00.
#82. Civil Defense
1966. 154 pages, paper. Editor: Henry Eyring. Scientists
report their findings on problems related to modern
warfare and passive civil defense systems.

Price: $4.00. AAAS Member’s Cash Price: $3.50.
#81. Environmental Variables in Oral Disease

1966, 328 pages. Editors: S. J. Kreshover and F. J. McClure. Contents: Geographical and clinical considerations; the oral environment—nutrition and dental caries;
experimental considerations in oral soft lesions; prenatally occurring influences.
Price: $8.75. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $7.75,
#80. Air Conservation
1965. 348 pages. “The result of a 2-year study by the
AAASAir Conservation Commission, all aspects—sociological, technical, political and biological—ofair pollution are considered concisely.” (Chemical Processing
for Operating Management, May 1966)

Price: $8.00. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $7.00.
#79, Science in Japan

1965. 496 pages. Editor: Arthur H. Livermore. A broad
and detailed review of recent scientific and technological
developments in Japan.
Price: $13.00. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $11.00.
#78. Man, Culture, and Animals

#77. Food Quality
1965. 306 pages. Editors: George W. Irving, Jr., and
Sam R. Hoover. “It is an excellent, well-edited review
of the agronomical production and processing problems
of the basic commodities, fruits and vegetables, cereals,
dairy products, poultry and eggs, and meat products.”
(Cereal Science Today, November 1965)
Price: $8.50. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $7.50.
#76. Agricultural Sciences for the Developing Nations
1964. 230 pages, Editor: Albert H. Moseman. “The
book . .. is especially useful because of the author's
combined experience with the situations and problems
of agriculture in the less developed countries. . . . This
book will be a valuable reference for many years.”
(BioScience, March 1966)

Price: $6.75. AAAS Member’s Cash Price: $6.00.

#75. Mechanisms of Hard Tissue Destruction
1963. 776 pages, 430 illustrations. Editor: R. F.
Sognnaes. “Scientists in the fields of dentistry, medicine,
and zoology presented a multidisciplinary symposium
in 1962, dealing with varied but cognate topics such
as coral reefs, dental caries, deer antlers, osteoclastic
diseases, bone metabolism, chelation. It is a refreshingly
well-planned, well-edited, and interesting symposium.”
teeny of the


American Medical Association, July

Price: $13.00. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $11.00.

#74. Aridity and Man
1963; 2nd printing, 1965. 604 pages, 98 illustrations.
Editors: Carle Hodge and Peter C, Duisberg. “Best collection of background material ... well balanced and
highly readable . . . probably the broadest and most
nearly complete treatment of arid lands yet published.”
(Journal of Forestry, May 1964)
Price: $12.00. AAAS Member’s Cash Price: $10.00.

# 72. Spermatozoan Motility
1962. 322 pages, 113 illustrations. Editor: David W.
Bishop. “This book is an excellent assemblage of recent
findings and reports of new data relative to the perplexing problem of sperm motility and includes the opinions
and ideas of cytologists, biophysicists, biochemists and

physiologists.” lournal of Animal Sciences, March 1963)
Price: $7.50. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $6.50.

1965. 304 pages. Editors: Anthony Leeds and Andrew

P. Vayda. “This volume contains articles pertaining to
the relationship between man and animals in different
parts of the world, covering the influence of domesticated and non—domesticated animals on a variety of
cultures.” (Biological Abstracts, 1 February 1966)

#67. Oceanography
1961; 4th printing, 1966. 665 pages, 146 illustrations.
Editor: Mary Sears. “Oceanography is a milestone in
oceanographic advance, a worthy publication to come
out of the first international congress of its kind.”
(Geographical Review, Vol. 52, No. 3)

Price: $8.00. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $7.00.

Price: $14.75. AAAS Member's Cash Price: $12.50.

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