perpendicular, i.e. 0° is on the perpendicular to the interface heading away from the soil half space.
We see from the
figure that these distributions peak at around 70° - 80° for
h = 1 meter,




for h =

100 meters,

and 30°

- 40°


h = 300 meters.
The height of the peak decreases as the
source energy decreases while the "skyshine" (photons travel-

ing toward the ground)


(see Table 4).

As the

detector height increases, the "skyshine" for a given source
energy also increases.
The flattening out of the angular
distribution as the source energy decreases becomes more
pronounced as the detector height is increased.
The angular
distributions of the scattered and unscattered y-rays are

quite comparable

(see Figure 6) to the total exposure angular

distributions although the unscattered distributions are
slightly more peaked.
The angular exposure rate distributions






and 7%* 7h (Figure 7) are similar. to those for :364, 1.0, and
2.5 MeV sources shown in Figure 5.
There is little difference
in the three distributions for h = 1 meter and only slightly

more for h = 100 meters.

Skyshine contributes 11% of the

*°xR exposure rate, 13% of the a3ey exposure rate, and 12% of
the 7°* Th exposure rate at h = 1 meter and 12%, 15%, and 13%
of the exposure rate at 1 = 100 meters.
The natural exposure rate angular distribution,


is fairly insensitive to the relative amounts of *°K, 7°"u,

and *7* Th in the soil although it does vary with detector
Thus, a detector with an angular response must be
calibrated properly with elevation in order to interpret
readings of natural gamma exposure rates made at various
heights above the interface.

Select target paragraph3