The curves which represent the results at 100 meters

illustrate the softening of the spectral composition of the
radiation with height.
The *°k spectrum at 1 meter is quite

a bit harder than the 7°"u and ?°*tTh spectra but as the
detector height is increased this difference becomes smaller
since the higher energy sources in the 23° and *°* th
series dominate resulting in a lesser overall rate of softening as compared to that for the single 1.46 MeV *°x source.
Figure 4 indicates, however, that the fraction of the
exposure rate due to photons of less than 200 keV can become
quite Significant as the detector height is increased,
depending on the source.
Since many detectors used in the
field have an energy dependence different from that of air
at low energies, it may be inappropriate to use the same
calibration factors for these instruments at different
heights above the interface.
This would be especially true
for an instrument calibrated in terms of photon number per
unit time such as a scintillation counter since a large
increase in the exposure rate due to low energy photons
would result in an even larger increase in the actual number

of photons at that height.

(This can be seen by dividing

the points in Figure 2 by energy to obtain the differential
number flux curves).
The softening of the natural emitter y-ray energy
spectrum with detector height has been experimentally

verified qualitatively in the field both by Gustafson et al”?
and by ourselves

in similar field experiments carried out in

1965 using NaI(Tl) detectors.



Differential Angular Exposure Rates

The differential angular exposure rates at the detector
for three different source energies at h < 1 meter, 100


meters, and 300 meters are shown in Figure 5.
These curves
are given in terms of exposure rate per radian due to
photons traveling in the direction 8, normalized to a total
exposure rate of 1.0, where @ is the angle relative to the

Select target paragraph3