Sampling of atmospheric aerosols is carried out by drawing air through a
ribre filter loaded with asbestos.

The air is moved with a turbine having 4

550 watt motor fed by the aircraft generator.

There is a diaphragm flowmeter

on the pump which allows constant regulation of the volume of air filtered.
The air intake is a bent tube passing through one of the windows and facirg
The alpha activity of the atmospheric aerosols is measured by a scintilla-

tion counter made up of a

ZnS scintillator 20 cm in diameter coupled to a

54 AVP photomultiplier by a plexiglass light guide.
are fed to a portable scaler (Figure 1).
have 550 watt motors.

The shaped output pulses

In the captive balloons the turbines

The current is carried by the cables whose weight is

21 kg/km and whose core is a nylon thread having a 50 kg breaking strength.


voltage loss in the cables are compensated for at the surface by an autotransfcrmer
so that the supply to each motor is maintained at 220 volts.

The electrical re-

sistance of the cable is 500 ohms per km.

Stepwise Measurements

The radon is assumed to be in equilibrium with its daughters.

The radon con-

centration corresponding to a given level is calculated directly from the filter


Figure 2 shows the calculated variation of the total number cf alpha

particles emitted by the filter as a function of time during and after collection.

The sensitivity of the apparatus is 5 x 10713 curies/kg for a 20 minute sample of
radon daughters.

Select target paragraph3