Seventy-Five Years of Scientific Films: 1890-1965
(30 Dec.)

A collection of unique historical films, some more than
70 years old, has been gathered from many countries for
this special program illustrating the development of the
scientific film.
Introductory remarks by Peter Morris (National Science
Film Library, Canadian Film Institute).
Documents Filmés (Marey-Bull), France, 1891-1924.
Pond Life (Section), Britain, 1903.
Neu-Guinea (In Memoriam Dr. Rudolph Poch), Austria,


Les Rayons Invisibles de Roentgen, France, 1912.

La Circulation du Sang, France, 1912.
Crystals: Their Making, Habits,


and Beauty,


Battle of the Ants, Britain, 1922.

The Praying Mantis, Britain, 1927.


Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, U.S.A., 1923.
The Cultivation of Living Tissue (Extract), Britain, 19231933.
L’Hippocampe, France, 1934.
In the Sands of Central Asia, U.S.S.R., 1942.

Embryonic Development—The Chick (Extract), Canada,
Cancer Cells (Extract), Japan, 1959.
Inflorescence, Czechoslovakia, 1966.


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See Science, 22 September 1967, for details about registration and hotel reservations for the AAAS Annual Meeting.
Additional reports on events or symposia taking place during the AAAS Annual Meeting appear in the following issues
of Science: 22 September, “Evolution of the Earth’s Atmosphere”; 29 September, “Terrestrial Adaptation in Crustacea”;
6 October, “Behavioral Research—New York Zoological Park”; 13 October, “Weather Modification”; 20 October, “Hazards
of lodine-131 Fallout in Utah’; 27 October, “New York Botanical Garden—Research and Education’; 3 November, “New
York Aquarium and Osborn Laboratories of Marine Sciences’; 10 November, “Psychoanalytic Studies in Child Development” and “Adhesion in Biological Systems’; 17 November, “Lamont Geological Observatory” and “Marine Science’;
24 November, “Crime, Science, and Technology,’ “Molecular Approaches to Learning and Memory,” and “Man and
Transportation”; and 1 December, “Haskins Laboratories,” “W eb-Building Spiders,” and “AAAS General and Sectional Symposia.” Additional coverage about the meeting will appear in Science, 15 December (“Boyce Thompson Institute,” “AAAS
Section Programs,” and “Psychochemical Research Strategies in Man”).


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