men and pest insects for the available food and forest resources is becoming more intense, and more expensive.
The success, or lack of it, of attempts at pest control
cannot be judged unless one can estimate the number of

pests in a given area. Only when these estimates can be
madeis it possible to judge how population sizes fluctuate,
both naturally and as a result of human intervention.
Many species of insect are involved; they vary widely in
density; in the sort of environment they are found in;
in motility; in their behavior at the different stages of their
life histories; in the degree to which they are controlled by

natural agencies; and in the damage they cause. Any par-

ticular population therefore presents its own peculiar problems. Taking the particular circumstances into account,
the field worker has to devise a sampling scheme that is
statistically sound, that gives the required precision, and
that he can afford on his budget. There is thus great need
for a thorough union of practical and theoretical knowl-

E. C. Pielou, J. F. Wear, C. A. Miller, D. O. Greenbank, J. U. McGuire, Jr., L. P. Lefkovitch, F. B. Knight,
D. M. Lee, R. C. Chapman, and G. M. Furnival.

Testing Compatibility for Kidney Transplants (28 Dec.)
Arranged by Max A. Woodbury (Duke University Medi-

cal Center).
Fritz H. Bach, S. J. Kilpatrick, Benjamin Barnes, and
Max A. Woodbury.

Foreign Films If (27 Dec.)
Crystallographers in Conference (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia).
Living Jewels (M. Guillon, France).
Low Reynolds Number Flow (National Committee for
Fluid Mechanics Films and Educational Services Inc.).

In Pursuit of Cancer Cells (Tokyo Cinema Incorporated,
A Light in Nature (Petroleum Institute for the Royal
Society, London).
Serpents of the China Sea (Laboratoire des Instituts Pasteur hors Metropole, Saigon).

United States Films (28 Dec.)
Legacy of Gemini (National Aeronautics and Space Ad-


Brookhaven Spectrum (Atomic



Brookhaven National Laboratory).
Secret of the White Cell (Prism Productions, Inc.).

Symmetry (Sturgis-Grant Productions).

LSD: Insight or Insanity? (Max Miller).
The Growing Edge (Empire Photosound Incorporated).
People and Particles: A Documentary Film of Physics

Laboratory (Harvard Project Physics).
Introduction by Gerald Holton (Professor of Physics,
Harvard University).
Films on Transportation (28 Dec.)

Academy Conference (27-28 Dec.)
AAAS-Academy Relationships (27 Dec.)
Youth Activities of the Academies (27 Dec.).
American Junior Academy of Science (28 Dec.).
Twenty-first Annual Junior Scientists’ Assembly (28 Dec.).

Arranged by Marlyn Lippard (AAASStaff).
Note: Young people under sixteen are admitted to the

Theatre only if accompanied by a req‘stered adult.

Foreign Films I (27 Dec.)
Winter Guests (Les Studios Cinematographiques “Al.
Sahia,” Bucharest, Roumania).

The Nuclear Challenge (International Atomic Energy
Agency, Vienna, with Krathy Film, Prague, Czechoslovakia).
The Beautiful Land—The Geological Evolution of Japan

(Tokyo Cinema Company, Inc.).
The 4th State of Matter (Comitato Nazionale per I’En-

ergia Nucleare, Rome, Italy).
Catching of Fish by Poisoning the Water (Institut fiir den
Wissenschaftlichen Film, Gottingen, West Germany).
The Metamorphosis of the Lepidoptera (Montello Film,
Rome, Italy).
A New Realty (Statens Filmcentral and Laterna Films,

Denmark, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and


A Trip from Chicago (CBS News, Inc.).

Autos, Autos Everywhere (CBS News, Inc.).
Safety First-Second-Third (General Motors Corporation).
Dawn of an Industry (Derek Stuart for the British Pe-

troleum Co., Ltd.).
United Aircraft Turbo-Train: A New Dimension in Rail

Passenger Travel (United Aircraft Corporate Systems Center).

Horsepower and Hydrocarbons (State of California Mo-

tor Vehicle Pollution Control Board).
Noise: The New Pollutant (National Educational Tele-


Films on Marine Science (29 Dec.)
The Earth Beneath the Sea (Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University).
Flying at the Bottom of the Sea (National Educational
History, Layer by Layer (Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University).
Oceanography at Work (Willard Bascom).
Conquering the Sea (CBS News, Inc.).

A Fish-Eye View of Alligator Reef (National Geographic
Illustrated Lecture by Walter A. Starck II (Institute
of Marine Sciences, University of Miami).
Lewis Mumford On The City (29 Dec.)
The City, Heaven and Hell; The City, Cars or People;

The City and Its Region; The Heart of the City; The
City as Man’s Home, and The City and the Future.
(National Film Board of Canada).

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