
detectable at all, it is only against a

light or reflective background. My observations (3) in hot climates lead me

to believe that even during the daylight

hours man, other mammals, and birds

frequent the shade during the heat of
the day, and that in the somnolent midday hours and in shady retreats either
a color matching with the environment or one with low light reflectivity
would offer maximum concealment.

Despite the fact that black color

also might expose its possessor to seri-

a drab concealing color a met the most
effective one for visual communication
in sexual or group behawwr. Two opposing pressures can thus act in the
selection of color. The camouflaged
animal must have some compensation,
either behavioral, physiological, or mor-

phological, to overcome its communication handicap. Conversely, the brightly
colored animal must have compensa-

tion for its greater exposure to predation. We would argue that in additron to the pressures exerted by the

ous thermal problems in deserts and

need to avoid predation amd to com-

significant that the sedentary inhabitants of black lava landscapes, the hot-

servation, may be able ito influence
color. In sOme cases, energy conserva-

other intensely insolated




test known environments, have evolved
a concealing dark-to-black coloration
whereas their adult, varietal, or subspecific equivalents living only a short
distance away, sometimes only a few

meters, still match the prevailing desert

pallor of their environment. Even if
color or albedo matching changes occur
sometime during the ontogeny of cer-

tain reptiles and insects, this requisite
matching and concealment despite the

entailed exposure to heat, would constitute even more emphatic evidence of

the definitive factor in the evolution of
light-absorbing surfaces.
Other arguments in favor of the theory of concealment rather than for any
definitive physiological advantages (these
doubtless occur but are less important)
have been proposed (3), but it seems
probable that need for concealment almost invariably takes precedence over

any attendant metabolic benefits or dangers and that this may have been true
for the evolution of some prototypal
human skin color.

Department of Biological Sciences,
University of California,
Santa Barbara

1. W. J. Hamilton III and F. Heppner, Science
155, 196 (1967).
2. R. B. Cowles, ibid. 135, 670 (1962).
, Amer, Natur, 93, 283 (1959).
16 March 1967

The direction of a species’ evolution
is guided by thetotal effect of all the

selective forces acting upon it. An op-

timum response to one selective force
can be disadvantageous with respect to

another, and a compromise may be
required. An animal’s color is a case

in point.

Predator pressure may force selection for a concealing color. However,

municate, a third pressure, energy con-

tion may be of prime immportance: in
others it may be of no importance. We

do not think that any ome of these
factors is “definitive” for all animals,

nor do we rule out the possibility that

other forces can influence color under

certain conditions. Only study of a particular animal can show which, if any,
of these pressures is of primary importance for that animal.

We stated that “homoiothermic ani-

mals can absorb and witilize radiant
solar energy.” We believe that the ex-

perimental results show that this is a

reasonable conclusion; the means by
which the energy absorbed by the sur-

face is translated into a metabolic economy is still subject to inwestigation.

Cowles’s suggestion of a tTeversal of

thermal gradient may weil be correct,
and does not rule out our conclusion.

animals are relatively more conspicuous
than species that match the background,

and some other explanation for their
blackness must be offered. Nor does
the principle of concealment by background matching change at low light
intensities, as Cowles implies. Discontinuities and contrasts with the environment continueto be effective stimuli at night. However, at night our own
eyes provide less reliable information

about the situation. There are relatively few black nocturnal birds and mammals. Most nocturnal animals heavily

involved in predator-prey relationships
are background matching rather than
black. Since these nocturnal animals
generally obtain shelter during the day

and are thus not exposed to “the nota-

ble penalties of high [radiation] absorption and overheating” we are led to
ask why they have adopted their back-

ground-matching colors rather than
black, For these reasons Cowles’s conclusion that black coloration is in the
vast majority of cases an adaptation

to concealment seems vulnerable.

Cowles is probably right in stating

that a sunbathing black animal would

face a heat load problem at midday

in the tropics. The solution to this

problem, as he pointed out, is to get
out of the sun. In the shade, color is
probably irrelevant to heat exchange,

since both black and white animals
have similar radiative properties in the

far infrared, as Kelly, Bond, and Heit-

man (J) observed. In the early hours

We found the term homoiotherm to be

of the day, solar radiation may enable

supply of these cues. The basic prin-

This correction in no way influences

homototherms not only to reduce mainmore useful than endotherm in this
tenance metabolism requirements but
particular case because we needed a
also to restore body temperatures which
term to describe a state of relative
have fallen during the night. In hot clitemperature constancy wethout making a commitment to the source of _mates, particularly at dawn, a wide
variety of sunbathing homoiotherms
can be found, many of them orienting
Cowles’s suggestion that the surface
black surfaces to the sun.
which absorbs the most mcident light
We wish to take this opportunity to
is the least effective visual stimulus does
correct an error in the second sentence
not seem to consider that discontinuiof the caption of Table 1. It should
ties and contrasts are important visual
read, “Units are milliliters of oxygen
stimuli, and in most terrestrial environper gram of body weight per four.”
ments black animals prewide a rich

ciple of concealment by mmatching the
general background appears to be that
maximum concealment is obtained by

reflecting the same quantity and quality of light as the background. In some

the conclusions from the experiment.

Department of Zoology,
University of California, Davis

special environments, such as lava flows,

burnt vegetation, or dark soils, this
may involve dark or even black colora-

tion, but black birds, mammals, and
men are not restricted to these environ-



other environments black

1, C. F. Kelly, T. E. Bond, H. Heitman, Ecology
35, 362 (1954).
* Present address: P.O. Box 4186, Nairobi,
Kenya, East Africa.
27 October 1967


Select target paragraph3