Scanning Electron Microscope:
Potentials in the Morphology of Microorganisms
Abstract. Morphologic characteristics related to ecology and evolutionary
sequences, and to specific, generic, and familial relations, can now be determined

with the scanning electron microscope. These detailed characteristics will help

to establish a more natural faunal classification and will enable more accurate

ecologic and biostratigraphic correlations.
Detailed study of microorganisms has
always been hampered by our inability
to observe minute structures of test
morphology. The imaging capability of
the scanning electron microscope now
enables the researcher to observe effectively many of the fine details upon
which faunal classifications are based;

the microscope also provides information on and permits illustration of features that have not been observed previously (see cover).

This microscope became commercially available in 1966 and differs from
' the transmission instrument in many
ways. The depth of field (500 times
that of a light microscope) and high
resolution (ten times that of a light
microscope) are complemented by a very

wide range of magnifications (x 50 to
greater than xX 100,000); development
and operation of this microscope have
been discussed (J, 2). Specimens can
be observed directly within a few minutes of being mounted; troublesome delays, due to faulty replicas, normally
experienced by the transmission electron microscopist are completely eliminated, and suitably prepared whole
specimens are used rather than thin

The following technique is used for
the study of various microorganisms
such as foraminifers, diatoms, radio-

larians, and ostracodes. Specimens are
mounted with a diluted solution of
tragacanth containing a small amount
of glycerin. The mounts are allowed

to dry at room temperature before
being placed on a rotary turntable in
a high-vacuum coating unit. Two coating runs (coating angles, 45° and 10°)
are made, and the specimens are coated
with gold to a thickness of 300 A;

conductive coatings of 100 to 200 A
also have been used. Photographs are
taken at an accelerating voltage of 25
kv. Scanning time required to record
the pictures, with a single-line scan,

is 20 seconds. Panatomic-X 35-mm film
is used. Morphologic characteristics of
specimens are then studied in detail.

The thinnest conductive coatings applicable to microorganisms have not
yet been determined. Pease et al. (2)

have photographed living insects without conductive coatings, but I was un-

successful with foraminifers, radiolarians, diatoms, ostracodes, and dinoflagellates without use of conductive

coatings. Much higher contrast in
image of the specimen is possible if
nonmetallic specimens are coated.
Expensive thin-film monitoring equipment

is necessary

to determine


curately the minimum thickness of
coating that can be applied. New techniques incorporating high-vacuum evaporation are being devised for the deep
penetration of metallic molecules within individual pore structures. Beam angle, beam collimation, and metal-par-

ticle speed, together with a variable
substrate temperature, are a few of
the many important aspects of highvacuum evaporation now being investigated.
Differences in spinal development
and shell strengthening with depth in
the marine environment are exemplified
by Globigerina bulloides dOrbigny
(Figs. 1 and 2). Strong spinal development in the apertural region is present
in both specimens shown, but the specimen collected at 200 m (Fig. 1) dis-

plays distinct thickening and orientation of “flying buttress” support spines,
which are evident in both the apertural
and sutural regions. The specimen of
G. bulloides collected at 50 m (Fig. 2)
is characterized by extremely long, nar-

row, pointed spines lacking the thickening mentioned.
Most specimens of planktonic Foraminifera collected at depths greater than
100 m exemplify some form of primary

Fig. 1. Globigerina bulloides (d@’Orbigny); Recent, Scotian Shelf at 200 m. Note
narrow elongate spines on periphery, and thickened “flying buttress” spinal development in the apertural region (x 400).

bilamellar shell growth and secondary
thickening. Bilamellar growth is shown
in spinal thickening originating at the
base of each spine and progressing to
the apical end. Secondary growth (usually layering) consists of thick calcite
crusts deposited over the primary shell.

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