20 yen


3 20F







DF 1Scmisec


~ 29 = 10%%/em?

ae ete


Ra a8 2 6)


Uses of Atomic Energy) (United Nations,
Geneva, 1958), vol. 18, p. 351.
and B. Szabe, J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan,
20th anniversary volume (1962): H. Pettersson, Papers in Marine Biology and Oceanography [suppl. to Deep-Sea Res. 3 (1955)], p.
335; Y. Miyake and Y. Sigimura, Studies on
Oceanography (Editorial Comm. for Sugawara festival vol., Nagoya, Japan, 1964), p.
4. W. S. Broecker, R. Gerard, W. H. Ewing,
B. C. Heezen, J, Geophys. Res. 65, 2903

5. T. J. Chow and E. D. Goldberg, Geochim.
Cosmochim. Acta 20, 192 (1960).






6. G. 5. Bien, N. W. Rakestraw, H. E. Suess,

Excess Rn? (roequiv. gram R226)



Fig. 3. Excess Rn22? as a function of distance above the sea bottom in the South
Atlantic at 22°47'S, 32°37'W.



In our previous report it was shown

that the following relation existed be-

tween the radon excess, C,*, and the

distance from the bottom.

C,* =M Bs


exp (—x VA/DzE)

where M is the standing crop of radon
lost by the sediments, and » and Dz

are as defined above. Data for the profile 23°S, 33°W in the South Atlantic
are plotted in Fig. 3. The points can be
fit by the theoretical equation if Dg is

1.5 cm?/sec and M is 9 X 10-3 gram
equivalent of Ra?** per liter. As previously published (/) measurements of
radon leakage from the tops of triggerweight cores yield standing crops of

from 1.5 to 35 & 10-13 gram equiva-

lent of Ra®?* per square centimeter.
This amount of radon is also what
would be expected from molecular diffusion from the radon-rich pore water
[see (7)].

For the other two profiles roughly

the same standing crop of excess radon

is required, but the eddy diffusion rate
must be about 30 times higher (that is,
~50 cm?/sec). Hence the study of
the distribution of excess radon near
the ocean bottom will prove to be a
powerful tool in determining rates of
vertical mixing.
Yuan Hui Li
Lamont Geological Observatory,
Columbia University,
Palisades, New York
References and Notes

Bull. Inst. GQeeanogr. Monaco 61, No. 1278
(1963); Nuclear Geophysics (Nat. Acad. Sci.Nat. Res. Counc. publ. 1075, 1963), p. 152.
W. H. Munk, Deep-Sea Res. 13, 707 (1966).
D. Lal, E. D. Goldberg, M. Koide, Science
131, 332 (1960).
R. Gerard and M. Ewing, Deep-Sea Res. 8,
298 (1961).
Supported by Atomic Energy Commission

contracts AT(30-1)2493 and AT(30-1)2663.

We appreciate the help of F. Gwinner and
G. Parker in constructing and maintaining the
apparatus. Only because of the help and cooperation of many members of the staff conNected with the operation of the Lamont
research vessels Verna and Conrad could these
Measurements have been carried out. Lamont
Geological Observatory contribution No. 1129.
23 August 1967


Silica in Alkaline Brines

Analysis of sodium car-

bonate-bicarbonate brines from closed

basins in volcanic terranes of Oregon

and Kenya reveals silica contents of

up to 2700 parts per million at pH’s

higher than 10, These high concentra-

tions of SiO, can be attributed to reaction of waters with silicates, and
subsequent evaporative concentration
accompanied by a rise in pH. SuperSaturation with respect to amorphous
silica may occur and persist for brines
that are out of contact with silicate
muds and undersaturated with respect

to trona; correlation of SiO, with concentration of Na and total CO, support
this interpretation. Addition of moredilute waters to alkaline brines may
lower the pH and cause inorganic pre-

cipitation of substantial amounts of

The SiO, content of natural waters
that are not associated with areas of
geothermal activity very rarely exceeds
100 parts per million (ppm) (7). Com-

monly accepted saturation values with
respect to amorphoussilica at 25°C and

Silica contents of brines from four

closed basins, three of which belong to
the Great Basin province of the western

United States, have been plotted against

pH (Fig. 1), Na (Fig. 2), and total
CO, when sufficient sample was available (Fig. 3). Silica was determined
colorimetrically as the B-silicomolybdate
complex (4). We have paid special attention to pH control and elimination
of reductants, and have used tartaric

acid to eliminate phosphate interference
(5). All analyses were repeated several
times and checked against synthetic
brines of similar composition. Interfer-

ence by boron or fluoride was negligible. Exceptionally high values of SiO,

were checked by gravimetric and fusion

Brines were stored in polyethylene
bottles and filtered under pressure

through 0.45-~. membranes prior to
analysis, although filtration through
pore sizes down to less than 0.1 p
showed noeffect on silica content. Pre-

cipitation of silica during storage was

-checked by digestion of the complete
bottles of duplicate samples. Differences
were usually less than 5 percent of the
silica content at high concentrations of
SiO., and much less at low concentrations.
The western Great Basin has several

intermontane areas of interior drainage

in igneous rock terranes. Most of these

basins contain saline lakes or playas

with brines high in carbonate; the brines

have been derived principally by evaporative concentration. Sodium and carbonate are the dominantions in solution
because alkaline-earth carbonates pre-

cipitate, and sources of sulfate or chloride are lacking.
Abert Lake of south-central Oregon,
with an area of about 130 km?, is one
of several highly saline remnants of the
large pluvial lakes that once occupied
the western Great Basin (6). The present lake has no outlet, and its level and

total surface area reflect the long-term
balance between inflow, principally the

Chewaucan River, and loss of water by
evaporation. Sodium, carbonate species,

and chloride ions comprise over 90 percent of the dissolved constituents in

precipitation of silica

(3). In recent

addition to waters from Abert Lake

countered waters having exceptionally

sociated lacustrine sediments, we have
included a sample from a brine pond
on the salt flats at the north end of the

thought to have formed by inorganic
studies of alkali carbonate brines of a
number of closed basins we have en-

2. F. F. Koczy, in Natural Radium as a Tracer
in’ the Ocean (U.N. Int. Conf. Peaceful

high silica contents—up to 2700 ppm.


for the inorganic precipitation of chert.

a pH lower than 9.2 are 110 to 140
ppm (2). Some chert deposits are

1. W. S. Broecker, in Symposium on Diffusion
in Oceans and Fresh Waters, T. Ichite, Ed,
(Lamont Geological Observatory, Palisades,

N.Y., 1964), pp. 116-145,

These data suggest a simple mechanism

Abert Lake and associated springs. In
itself, and interstitial solutions from as-



Select target paragraph3