20. C, Emiliani, Bull, Geol. Soc. Amer. 75, 129
21. W. L. Donn, W. R. Farrand, M. Ewing, J.
Geol, 70, 206 (1964).
22. A. S. Merrill, K. O. Emery, Meyer Rubin,
Sctence 147. 398 (1965).
23. J. C. Medcof, A. H. Clarke, Jr., J. S. Erskine,
J. Fish, Res. Bd. Canada 22 (2), 631 (1965).
24. J. R. Curray, in The Quaternary of the
United States, H. E. Wright and D, G.
Frey, Eds. (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
NJ, 1965), p, 723.
25. F. C. Whitmore, Jr,, K. O, Emery, H. B. S.
Cooke, D. J. P. Swift, Science 156, 1477
26. K. O. Emery and R. L. Edwards, Amer.
Antiquity 31, 733 (1966).
27. W. S,. Newman, unpublished thesis, New
York Univ. (1966); W. S. Newman and R.
W. Fairbridge, in Proc. First Nat. Coastal
and Shallow Water Res. Conf. (National
Science Foundation and Office of WNavaf
Research, Tallahassee, Florida, 1962, p. 188.
28. W. Harrison, R. J. Malloy, G. A. Rusnak,
J. Terasmae, J. Geol. 73, 201 (1965).
29. K. QO. Emery, in preparation.
30. M. B. Davis and E, 5. Deevey, Science 145,

1293 (1964).

31. W. F. Libby, Radiocarbon Dating (Univ. of
Chicago Press, Chicago, ed. 2, 1955).
32. P. Butler, Ecology 40, 735 (1959),
33. C. A. Kaye and E. S. Barghoorn, Bull.
Geol. Soc. Amer. 75, 63 (1964),
34. G. W. Barendsen, E. 8S. Deevey, L. J.


Gralenski, Secfence 126, 908 (1957); E. S.
Deevey, L. J. Gralenski, V. Hoffren, Amer.
J. Set, Radiocarbon Suppl. 1, 144 (1959);
1967) now accepts the date 15,090 years
before the present for Totoket Bog.
C. R. Groot and J. J. Groot, Amer. J. Sci.
262, 488 (1964),
E. S. Deevey, IJr., Amer. J. Sci, 246, 329
W. S. Benninghoff, Phillips Acad. Peabody
Foundation, Archaeol, Papers 2, 96 (1942),
E. A. Stanley, Deep-Sea Res. 13, 921 (1966).
J. G. Ogden, II], Amer. J. Sci. 261, 344

40. E. B. Leopold, Prec. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.
§2, 863 (1956).
41. E. Uchupi, Misc. Geol. Invest. Map I-451
(U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C.,
42. M. B. Davis, in The Quaternary of the
United States, H. E. Wright and D. G.
Frey, Eds. (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ., 1965), p. 377.
43, Appreciation is due Captain Norman Lepire
of New Bedford, Massachusetts, for Several
sampies of peat and oyster shells, and to the
U.S. Geological Survey through its support
by contract 8358 to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Contribution No, 1968
of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Publication approved by the director,
U.S. Geological Survey.
23 June 1967


liter/min for 90 minutes. The condensable gases (including radon) were continuously collected in. traps cooled with
liquid air, The radon was thenseparated
from CO. and H:0 by circulating the
condensed gas through ascarite. Next
it was quantitatively transferred to a
30-cmscintillation cell where the count
of its a-particles was determined. Overall recovery yields averaged 90 percent,
accuracy of the measurements is about
+10 percent. Details of the procedure
have already been published (/).

Although our results change neither
the average content of radium content

in the ocean nor the broad picture of

distribution from that given by

previous workers (2, 3}, they do show

far less scatter and suggest that radium

is uniformly mixed throughout a given

water mass. The radium content of
surface water in both the Atlantic and

Pacific oceans is 4 X 10-'* g/liter
(Table 1 and Fig. 1). In both oceans a

Radium-226 and Radon-222: Concentration in


Abstract. Measurements of radon-222 in seawater suggest the following. The

radium-226 content of surface water in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is
uniformly close to about 4 * 10™" pram per liter. The deep Pacific has a concentration of radium-226 that is four times higher and the deep Atlantic a concentration twice as high as that of the surface. These distribution profiles can be explained by the same particle-settling rate for radium-226 from surface to depth
for the two oceans and by a threefold longer residence time of water in the deep
Pacific than in the deep Atlantic. The vertical distribution of the deficiency of
radon-222 in the surface water of the northwest Pacific Ocean suggests a coefficient of vertical eddy diffusion as high as 120 square centimeters per second and
a gas-exchange rate for carbon dioxide in surface water between 14 and 60 moles
per square meter per year. Vertical profiles of the excess of radon-222 in nearbottom water of the South Atlantic give coefficients of vertical eddy diffusion
ranging from 1.5 to more than 50 square centimeters per second.

change rates of gases across the air-sea
interface, and (iii) the rates of vertical
mixing near the surface and near the
bottom of the ocean. Briefly, Rn*??
(half-life, 3.85 days) is produced in
seawater by the decay of its parent
Ra2** (half-life, 1600 years). Well away
from the air-sea and sediment-sea inter-

faces, the rate of radioactive decay of
radon is equal to that of its parent
Thus, a measurement of the radon

content of such a water sample is
a measurement of its radium content.

As the radon content of the atmosphere
&§ DECEMBER 1967


in the

Pacific the increase is

fourfold (to 16 * 10-1* g/liter} and in

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

Shipboard analysis of the concentration of radon gas in samples of seawater offers three important types of
information: (i) the distribution of
Ra2?6 in the world ocean, (ii) the ex-

smooth increase in radium takes place
downward through the main thermo-

is negligible, compared to that in surface seawater, radon continually escapes
from the sea. By analyzing the vertical
distribution of radon deficiency in the
sutface ocean it is possible to determine the rates of both vertical mixing
and gas exchange. Water in the pores

of deep-sea sediments contains 10+ to
105 times more radon than the overlying seawater. Hence, radon diffuses
from the sediment into the sea. The
vertical distribution of excess radon in

near-bottom water provides an index of.

the rate of vertical mixing. This report
extends an earlier study (J) by present-

ing positive results for each of these

Radon was extracted from 20 to 40—
liters of seawater by circulating He gas
in a closed system at the rate of 2 7






x 10-g/liter).
Two explanations have been offered

for the deficiency of radium in surface
relative to deep water. Koczy (2)
suggested that it reflected radioactive

decay during the period in which surface water was isolated from the deep
sea. The mixing rates required by this

hypothesis are an order of magnitude

lower than those that explain the vertical distribution of natural radiocarbon
[see Broecker (4)]. Chow and Goldberg
(5) have suggested that the deficiency

is generated in much the same way as
that for silicon and phosphorus. Radium
in surface water is fixed onto particulate matter that sinks to the deep ocean
where the radium redissolves. Their
demonstration that, in the Pacific,
barium shows a fourfold enrichment in
deep relative to surface water strongly

supports this alternate hypothesis.
Despite the difference in the deep-tosurface anomaly for radium in the two

oceans the same particulate extraction

rate, /, is required for both. Material
balance requires that 7 = R(Cp — Cs).
The rate of transfer, R, of water across

the main thermocline is given by

tu(Cp’ — Cs'/Cop’)

where ft is the mean depth of the

ocean; Cp,’ and Cs’ are the C'#/C
ratios in the deep and surface ocean;

Select target paragraph3