K. E. Fields, General Manager


June 12, 1956

AEC 532/29 - Classification of Controlled Thermomuciear Program - The

Commissioners approved recommendation b. and requested further study of declassification of the CTR program.

The Commissioners approved an exchange with the U. K. of controlled —

thermonuclear reaction information on a classified basis.

(wecenede}CT. (user - tail)

The Commissioners requested that the views of the GAC on the question

of declassifying Project SHERWOOD be obtained.

(Mave) C Ton wsen)

Mr. Libby requested a report on the spurious neutron theory.


Mr. Strauss will write to Sir Edwin Plowden regarding the U. K.
position on declassification of the CIR program.
Other Business


Amendment to Holding Company Act - The Commissioners had no objection

to your action.

2. Hazard Indemnity Legislation - The Commissioners had no objection to
your proposal.



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Meeting with SeuatersPaetere- Mr, Strauss beeomzmengediee meeting “ebb


Mo ebiecTew,
4, Additional Shot at Operation REDWING &@ Mr. Libby requested
that General Starbird brief him on the technical aspects of this decision. (Starbird)
>» Division of Command at Pacific Proving Ground - The Commissioners had
no objection to Mr. Strauss indicating that the AEC worvbosmetteecomith present


Sa pperred

6. West Berlin Research Reactor - Mr. Strauss reported on his conversation
with the Under Secretary of State and requested that future State Department views

be obtained in writing.


Letter to Father Hesburgh - Approved as revised.

8. Danish Request for Additional U-235 - The Commissioners approved an
additional 3 kilograms of U-235 for Danish Pest reactor. State Department approval

of this request is to be obtained in writing.


This matter is to be discussed with Senator Pastore.



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