burns, 2, xoderate burns, 2, no burns, 3 with moderste epilation, and 15
with mo epilation, Im addition, Rongelep natives received 150 roentgens
whole-body gamma dose, and about 90% showed some degree of lesions and 56%
, Some degree of epilation,


It is to be recalled that:



(a) the natives probably were out-of-

doors and received the full fallout, (b) the ofly hair, sexi-naked peral

aspiring bodies including bare feet, and lack of bathing for most would tend


to eollect and hold the fallout usterial, (¢) the tine of delivery of essen—blally all of the doses was two to three days,

Further, it may be specu-

Lnted thet the fallout on the more distant island of Utirtk (about 300
statute miles) would eonsist of smaller particles and also perhape lesser

possibility of overlapping of radiation fields from these particles.
Sone of the relevant data are sunaarized in table IT.

Due to the

uncertainty of the degree of exposure of personel on Bongerik to the direct

fallout, this group is not included. It is to be immediately exphasised that
any comparisons made or fnplied in the table are at the most only sexiquantitative,

Teble IT will be referred to in Policies III and IV but is

i ‘iy


i t ey

fineluded here as a summary of the dsta discussed above,

On Exposures
The data on aenizal exposures are less firs then those for humans,
Unnistakeble beta burns eccurred on cattle at Alamogordo in July 1945, on
cattle at the Revada Proving Grounds In spring 1952, and on horses in

SN ew og


Select target paragraph3