I —
te very nature of t.e weat ering factor maces Cis a difficclt paramter

to evalvate.

the pro ability of oecurre.ce of precipitation and/or winds avd

to what degres “as to ive eatinated ag well as their effects on radiation

Leaching effects were studied on soils a out 130 miles from ground

sero where fallout cad occurred during Opxiot-“not ole,

Dose rate readings

were insignificantly lower than tose predicted ty radiological decay according
One exarple of tie effects

to t72+2 arter a period of morg tan one ycar,

of winds whe. was o. served during Epshot-Knoticle,

The fallout from the

Kare. 17, 1953 detonation was in @ long narrow pattern to tie east of ground

The second day after fallout a@ rather stron surface wind tlew almost

at right angles across the area, for g out a period of a day.

Tose rate

readings were taken on t-e first and fourt> days at te same locations and
t:en were Gomered,

T 6 fourt: day dose rates were less, ‘y factors of tiree

to six, tian tiose to ‘e expected from t.e first days readiics, Lased on

rate of decay of t~1-2, (Otrer fallout measuresents indicated tiat the
rate of decay of tis fallout material was not significantly different





Select target paragraph3